We are pleased to have met you on our way to create one of the leading brands of our country and the world in the Sim Racing sector.
We had been planning to enter this sector since the days when we started to compete with people from different parts of the world over the laptop screen via Iracing by connecting our steering wheels to coffee tables in our university years. We want to contribute a little to their journey to the real grids, perhaps by giving better opportunities to the youth of our country on this journey that we have had the opportunity to do after many years have passed.
In this context, we would like to bring together a well-known product abroad, after dealing with all kinds of difficulties, and bring it together with you, Sim lovers. We think that such products will improve the racing culture of our country and who knows, maybe one of you will contribute to becoming an F1 driver. Compared to other examples, we offer our CS1 product for sale by adding various improvements and conveniences. We proudly present that we carry out our own original works with our newly graduated engineers and our expert team, even we would like to say that 80% of it has been completed and we will start production in the next stage.
We hope you stay tuned to meet our DDW solutions at affordable prices in the near future.
We regret to inform you that we will not be able to keep our stocks very high at this stage due to the known exchange rate increase and incredible customs costs, and that we may even have to manufacture to order after a few products. As you would appreciate, in such a period, the risks of such high-tech investments can be high.
I would like to tell you a little bit about our company,
Our company was physically established in 2021, but mentally, its foundations were laid in 2009. At that time, we broke up and sold a few prototypes we produced from DC motors for financial reasons, and frankly, very efficient products did not emerge. Afterwards, we started corporate business life and followed the world sector for many years. In the process that started with the pandemic in 2020, we took our business idea, which was left on the dusty shelves, on the agenda again and took steps. After some studies and intense struggle with our customs directorates, we have almost doubled the price we calculated as cost, and therefore we had to change our prices as well.
In our company, we have 2 full-time employees and 3 part-time employees, 2 of which are engineers, 1 designer and painter. As a company, we have taken it as a side task to give our newly graduated talented students their first chance and contribute to their start in life. Thanks to the motivation and enthusiasm of these students, we were able to add many improvements. Likewise, we hereby declare that we will bring a new breath to our R&D studies by establishing teams of self-developed and talented new graduates.
As a career opportunity, we expect all our student friends who are interested in this sector to contact us.
Don't forget to follow our social media accounts for developments!
Mehmet Baran
Ekiple Tanışın

The Maestro
Mehmet Baran

Wife of the Maestro
Güliz Baran

Muhammed Gültekin

Ahmet Gültekin